Monday, March 21, 2011

Alright or not?

Hello I'm back! :) sorry for this slow update, been really busy. I hate sec three uh, but I think sec 4 I die so should have fun while this lasts :)
So anyway, do you guys think it's alright for a friend to date a friend's ex? It's not a very hot topic, but I'll just blog about what I wanna :)
I think like dating a friend's ex is acceptable or not depending on the situation. But of course if the friend is a close one, things are gonna be awkward! Like it's so weird to talk to each other again. But I guess it's alright to a certain extend, cause alls fair in love right? Haha.
Come to think about it again, I'll feel so terrible if my friend dates my ex. It's just weird! But if my friend dates my ex who is super not boyfriend material, I guess it won't hurt thatttttt much? :D hahaha ah well. Shall stop here for now. do help me click the 'like' button if you like reading my blog! :)
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