Wednesday, July 16, 2014

simplicity :')

So it was just another casual book out friday and ahhhhh, it was slightly more special than usual :')
Gotta say everything was so simple but I've never felt more loved and happy in awhile.

We are both very lucky, and definitely happy. 
I wouldn't deny it; it's scary thinking about you know like what if this doesn't work out, what if my heart breaks again, what if this what if that etc etc. I've forgotten how it feels like to trust, but I've gotta start somewhere right? :-) No one saw this coming hahaha, especially me. I mean I would never expect myself to be with someone who's currently serving NS?!?! HAHA. we'll see how this pans out, and what the future holds :') 
honestly feeling like the happiest and luckiest girl rn hehe ahhhhhh i'm so lucky 

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