Sunday, July 20, 2014

laze haze daze

Today was a really chill weekend... didn't do much but laze around? 
Feels like things are slowing changing at home and everything is just getting duller by the days sigh. 
It's 1:01 am as of now and here I am just thinking about things and missing this boy who is stuffing his face with some fried dim sum thingy as seen in the picture HAHAHA. I think I'm missing him more than I should, AH WELL. 

Things haven't been exactly great, both at school and at home. Right now everything seems so uncertain but that isn't the scary thing. I think it's scarier that I'm starting to get used to it. But it scares me even more that I don't know how to cope. 
Like mmm, do I keep my thoughts to myself (like I always have) or? 
It's frustrating and troubling. :-( Times like these I find myself being pushed to a corner and I'm like forced to think of how to deal with shit at hand. Just really hope things will take a turn for the better soon sigh, we'll see.

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