Met up with Coco for a study sesh today!!!!! no pics cuz was hard at work DUHH haha
maki-san after wheee hehe never tried it before so since we were near dhoby why not :-)
Panorama pic of the shop, super cute interior design hehe
makes me feel so happy looking at the illustrations of the different sushis
Food coma afterwards x.x global economy killed me slowly but surely and definitely haha
Untied my braid when I reached home. Love the removing of my braid cuz like the braid makes my hair really fluffy and like wavy HAHA
everyday is gonna be mugging day cuz last week of hols already
and yes CTs have to spoil it for me sighhhh :( I'M GONNA PULL THROUGH, I WILL.
On a side note today I had a catch up session over lunch with tcher Hong suan and mmm it was really nice that someone wanted to know how I was coping with school, home etc :')
changed my blog header pic thingy. I know no one will notice la but hey I like it heheh wew
if vlow, is reading this I miss u sigh just saw your face on WA but i think you died on me AGAIN bij haha imyimyimyimy.
if Stelz and em are reading this, miss your faces and nonsense although we just annoyed each other through WA ytd HAHAH gahhhhhhh don't worry about not being prepared and shit, there's always belz LOLOL jk ok rlly miss you guys (and I want 4fingers weh)
Realised how full of themselves people can be. Used to have so many fucks to give man. Was talking to Leon about it on WA (our convos are damn candid and light hearted he's really nice to talk to HAHA) like randomly and well, I was really enlightened. Some things are just not worth my time and I really have better things to do/think about. This is definitely what everyone has been trying to get me to realise and I think I'm starting to see it better now. and mmm let's just say giving up my second hand things to people who are deprived honestly isn't difficult at all and well I really should settle for what I deserve and not anything less.
Time is what you make of it; and so is your life,
I definitely do not want to lead a life as pathetic and undignified as yours : )
till the next time hehehe
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