Thursday, November 10, 2011


My terrible schedule:
12/11: Carnival @ acs barker.
14/11: Exco meeting.
15/11: SCP meeting.
22/11: TLF meeting @ tjc

Mehhhhhhh. Okay haven't slotted in other stuff ;(
Sigh busy busy bee.
Btw, I remember saying this before but I'll say it again! There's this app called blogfire for iPhone, that like notifies you when a blog/tumblr etc updates. Cause I blog hop a lot so it's pretty helpful heh. If you read blogs a lot and stuff, go download it! It's a free app man ;)
Formspring me yes. Alrighto thank you for reading buaiiiiiii

Ps. Sorry my pics are always arranged weirdly, it's the blogger app ah hahaha I have no control

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