Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hi guys! So this post is dedicated to this person, I don't even know why I'm doing his for her but alright, so there. It's an angsty post so don't read it if you don't want your day to be spoilt! :)

So, I don't really do posts for people specifically and stuff. But this is a special case cause people have been telling me about her tweets and blah blah. I'm not gonna go into details and all to save her face.
I mean srsly, I don't spend my time hating on people.
K this is one person that tells you NOT to judge others, but judge others herself. She seems like an angel etc, yeah okay whatever it's her life not mine.
She thinks she's all that, in terms of looks and everything (mmmmm okay....).
I don't even see the point about doing this post but people have been bugging me, telling me about her tweets and whatsoever apparently being directed to me.
Im not even gonna write why i dislike her, what others told me about her etc. I don't see a point in wasting my time and energy to type, ABT HER! Hahah. (didn't even bother giving her a post title omg.)

But I just wanna straighten certain things out.

Yes, I unfollowed her on twitter.... But wait, isn't it my twitter again?
And honestly I can't stand it when people keep boasting about their blogstats.... No it isn't cause I have few readers. I just don't see a point in doing that! Like do you see famous bloggers like xiaxue or pxdkitty boasting about how many people read their blog etc? No. Cause if you're great and awesome people can tell, YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL THEM!

What's the point of telling everyone how many readers you have, when you yourself know there are WAY MORE out there that hates you?

& I don't care if I have haters, who doesn't have? And you don't have to (as quoted in your words) "help" me cause you should help yourself first man.

Btw, WHO FREAKING WENT TO YOUR CONDO WHEN YOU CALLED CRYING? You said yourself no one picked up the phones even your bestfriend. Who came to you huh? WHO? Me. I don't have to but I went down to comfort you.

Fucking hell.


omg k those that has been bugging me, here you go, a post :) happy noooow?

Alrighty bye!

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