Monday, October 31, 2011


Hellu everyone! :) holidays have started for most people but I have extended curriculum :( okay la I guess it's a good way to help us with the transition to sec four..... But I honestly can't wait for the remaining of whatever holidays I have! Hahah sigh. I bought a dress and a pair of hw shorts recently. The dress is new, still with the tag that states 34.90$, but I got it for 8$! Wooohoo, and the pair of shorts is also new, I got it at 10$. Yay sucha steal man, happygirl96.
I guess retail therapy does help when I'm bored, or sad, or down etc....
Still pretty demoralized by my results, I'm so dumb sigh.
Oh today I made my way home with my brother, and he offered to carry my sch bag! How sweet ;) these are the little things that make days better I guess.
Alrighty I shall blog tmrw or smth heh.
All the best to those taking Os!! :)

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