Friday, April 15, 2011

Who do you think you are, running around breaking hearts.

Hello again :) I'm currently typing this post on the train home. So, I was just listening to jar of hearts by Christina Perri, not exactly my favourite genre of music but I decided to listen to it.
It's quite a sad song, (sad songs are always famous!) haha. I started to reminiscent about my past r/s and all. So... As I thought back, I think I was really dumb and naive. My conception of love was so simple. I love you, you love me let's get together and get married. Hahaha funny right? But yeah. I was like totally into my past r/s. It occupied my mind all the time! Hahah. When I was about to break up, I think I was really desperate and all, not for guys. But just for that one guy. I felt like my world was collapsing and I might just be a zombie. I was so desperate to wanna keep him. Looking back, it's really stupid :/ but I guess it was sweet while it lasted, and I savoured every moment. But I guess it leaves an impact on me. A real deep one.
It's not the person, just the memories, that feeling that makes you go goo goo gaa gaa. That warm sweet feeling, honeyed with all the memories. :)
Ah well, it was great while it lasted!
So, no regrets anymore.
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