Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Should I?

Hello everyone! So erm I'm kinda gonna study sooooooon. Sigh every procrastinates right? :/ hahah. So anyway, I rarely blog about stuff like this cause I'm scared of getting hurtful, bad, unfair, annoying comments. But I'll do it anyways.
I've been thinking about these for awhile, but I'm just curious about what you guys think.
1. I wanna open a blogshop.
Yes I do. It just interests me! Like seriously. Should I?

2. Photoblog.
I'm a self confessed camwhore. But no, that's not the main point haha ;) the main point is that, I think it's pretty cool to have one. Like I'm not gonna spam pictures of myself of course. Cause pictures speak a thousand words right :)
Should I?

3. Vlog.
Hahah I love to talk. And I think it'll be quite entertaining too. But well, there'd be more haters + critics.
Should I?

These are all random stuff.
K blog soon bye! :) BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

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