Hello :) today I'm gonna blog about haters. Haters are basically people that spread or just plainly show their hate for others over the Internet. You may say, "no, they can just be people that hate me in real life". Sorry to say, very few people are so daring, cause most of them just don't have guts, that's why they do stuff over the Internet, ANNONYMOUSLY.
usually haters these days are separated into different groups (I've decided to group them up).
Out of all of them,
2% harbour hate for the person in real life already.
3% hate cause their friend's hate.
95% hate cause that person is either popular, prettier than the hater, has such a good life (etc. Blog with many viewers, rich) or all of the above.
Haters are only haters when they make an impact on you. If you're affected, they win. If you aren't, they lose. But the thing is, they hardly ever stop. Cause being anonymous means they have nothing to lose, nothing at all.
I really salute those that can take their comments so well, really. But I guess those people that are of low self-esteem might not be able to, like me.
I always think I'm ugly, not popular etc. I used to be SUPER DUPER concern about how people looked and viewed me. It's like the Internet used to be a place where I can lead, da life. Its like leading double lifes.
It kinda sucked knowing you'll never be as great as you are on the web in reality.
But the thing is, haters lead ugly lifes. Hatred makes one's life really dull and ugly, it might also make you afraid. They are constantly afraid of being exposed of what their doing, spreading hate all over the Internet without leaving their names.
To all non haters:
So what if you are not popular, pretty, no one has the right to judge you. You guys are beautiful already, cause you aren't polluted with hatred and all that shit :)
Hmmm so I guess I'll stop here.
Sorry if it's a little crappy and stuff cause I wrote this like at 655 am heh.