Saturday, May 3, 2014

#throwback: Easter 2014

My easter weekend this year was really nice :-) I used to perform for my church's easter concert but stopped after sec 1! this year, I managed to take time out to invite people for my church's easter concert, haven't watched it in a while already but hey better late than never hehehe. 

Friday, 18th April 2014

Good friday!!! Bryan didn't have plans so I invited him and tempted him with food HAHA cuz there's supper provided after the concert. AND YES HE AGREED TO COME!!! 
usually people wouldn't make time to come, especially if it's last minute. But I'm glad he came anyway heh.


Vanessa!! she performed :-)
We headed off to Chomp chomp for more supper after HAHAHA pigs for life srsly. had a really good talk with him, mix of our usual whatnots and some what heartoheart stuff. it's always fun talking to him about everything because he knows me for SOOOOO long already and sometimes (most of the time) I don't have to word my thoughts completely and yet he'll understand where i'm coming from :)
really glad he made time to come down :~)

Saturday, 19th April 2014

The Easter concert programme runs on two nights, so I invited vlow, kello & cello :-) 

favfavfav trusty romper
 It's always joy and laughter around this bunch and I'm so glad they could come. 

Vlow is especially close to my heart because we're just so similar and we click really well too haha. up till now we still can't figure out how we became so close but whatever :-p
Had a htht with her after, and I felt so much better :-)

bellokellocellovlow reunion HAHA

Sunday,  20th April 2014

woke up late so I really didn't have time to get ready or what not, thankful I didn't look THAT shitty.
headed down to Shangri-La and hey I was on time phew

The one that made it on insta hehe:

One of the first few people I met in the morning, RYAN!!!! who acted like he didn't wanna take a selfie but he really wanted to take HAHA

GRACEEEE who came late but I saved a seat for her.

After easter service.... L U N C H yumz.

Lunch was obviously amazing as with every year. managed to sit with the complete batch and we were all just really happy! I think it only happened once in 18 years HAHA
Shangrila has the BEST toilets btw haha. Not only does it have free combs, clean toilet seats and pretty interior design... it has really good lighting as well HAHAHA

Some of the aunties who wore Han boks!! such a cute sight haha

With darryl!!! Grew up with him and he's in Army alr, time really flies haha. The last time I rmb we were both still in secondary school :p

With Ryan!!! yes he is Darryl's brother haha this boy ah all grown up alr. He used to be REAAAAALLLYYYYY short??? but now he's taller than me :-((((( how can.

Vanessa!!! Probably one of the girls I'm closer to in church :*

ANDDDD of course the batch of '96 :-)

////abrupt ending////

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