Saturday, May 24, 2014

clear sky

one of those rare days when the sky is SUUUUPER duper clear 
rmb not having enough sleep that week, when do I ever get enough anyway hahaha.
felt extremely out of sorts and physically worn out so I didn't do pe, we ended up just chilling and talking cause a lot of people didn't come/had match

jump shots against the beautiful view hehe

doing what we do a lot of :-p 
I look so tired and all check out the unkempt hair & designer eye bags

Stella's amazing hair tying skills *__* she came up with this hair style on the spot haha 
can always count on her to braid my hair hehe 

This other class was trying to do a really cute class pic thing!!! so coo0oooOool

Impromptu class pic with Mr Tay :-)

we were all suppose to do the serious face here but i :) really :) couldn't :) do :) it :)

Pictures like this ^ just radiate a whole lot of good vibes don't they?? 

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