Thursday, December 13, 2012

Post USS

Hey all!
So yeah today I made my trip to USS with Shawn. It was a pretty great and fun day, although the tix cost a bomb :'( but good things usually dont come at a low price right?

Anyway I started off at 9 am all the way till 7pm and like reached home at 11:30 pm so i'm like super tired now. Cause i had to pack parcels also :( tired tired tired

Shawn got me this cuteass elmo hairband which is so adorbs!!!!
I never ever ever buy souvenirs... (like never in my life). But i really liked this one & he got it for me yay hehehe (cause I sat the cylon ride with my eyes opened)

So I decided to Photo Booth with it the moment after I bathed.

THEN i realised this was the time that my eye bags and eye circles shit are at their peak omg wtf ew


Okay then i realised that my red extensions look cool with the elmo thingy! 
But I just had this problem with making them not like go out of place grrrrrrr

Effort #1 

Effort #2 LOL

USS post will be up asap heheh 

Instagram @bellojelloz
tweet me @annabelannabelz
ask me a ques on formspring @annabelella

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