Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas 2012

Hey guys! so how did christmas go? :-)
As usual, with every Christmas, I celebrate it with my church!
Shangri La is still as beautiful as before :') haha.

I don't rlly get many presents with each year... in fact lesser and lesser sigh.
BUT that's not the point hehe cause Christmas means so much more than pressies :-)

I decided to wear this halter bubble bottom dress thingy which i bought from Cache-cache reallyyyyyy long ago! I just thought the prints on it are so apt for the event ( I was too lazy to go dress shopping any way).


Grace :):)

The childhood friend Ryan

Sam hehe

Gurlz of 96'

Batch of 96' #1

Batch of 96' #2

Fun shot hehe

funnier shot

When i reached home, i totally had the urge to take pics cause i'm really proud of myself for drawing my eyeliner so nicely :') to me that is :p
Cause' i'm single eyelid so its quite diff for me, but i did it hehe

trying to wink lola

(sigh i just came back from msia & indo so my skin broke out rlly bad)

Then i bunned-up myy hair, and cont'd lol! sorry i cant help it HAHAH

trying to take a shot of my bun #1

second attempt hehe

NAHHHH my bun lol ok weird me

Instagram @bellojelloz
tweet me @annabelannabelz
ask me a ques on formspring @annabelella

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