Saturday, November 10, 2012


Hey guys! firstly, Os are finally officially O V E R. Wheeeeee

So much has happened since (okay not rlly). This post wont have any pictures, cause i'm blogging on my newly bought mac :~D 
just got my baby today on 10/11/12 
what a nice date haha 

Today is a happy day because:
1. I got my Macbook Pro 
2. I pierced my ears (yes finally)
3. I saw my prom dress & it was so nice :-) (to me la duuuuh)
4. I got my Mac 
5. I got my Mac
6. I got my Mac

HAHAHA okay you guys get what i mean.

i'll be blogging about my virgin piercing experience etc.
anyway i'll be blogging more frequently cuz duh i've got my mac :-p
 hehe till then x

Instagram @bellojelloz
tweet me @annabelannabelz
ask me a ques on formspring @annabelella

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