Friday, September 7, 2012

Mdm Sabina's Chalet Lunch!

Pirate helium balloons! that flew away later :(

So Mdm Sabina (my lit teacher) organised a chalet lunch thing for all her classes! It was a really simple event with YUMMY FOOD prepared by her family :) 
Ashley and Sulaiman brought their guitars so every started singing along and that was really quite fun haha!
However there was a mini drama though.
that day was also Mdm Sabina's son birthday! which explained the pirate themed party haha.
Also, they bought pirate helium balloons for him which cost 35$ (SO EXPENSIVE)
during the lunch thing, we were all singins and talking ard, then suddenly, the balloons that were tied to the wooden bench, SUDDENLY FLEW AWAY MAN.
yes what a crazy incident!
Janelle, Kuven, Claire and I decided that we should go and buy him new helium balloons cause he was so upset :(
Janelle and I walked all the way from Aloha Loyang to Downtown east and after searching high and low, WE FOUND BALLOONS FOR HIM HAHAH.
but they didnt have pirate related ones :( 
so we settled for Cars hehe.
What a nice afternoon, i'll miss my class and Mdm Sabina after i graduate no kidding ;(

x formspring me @ annabelella 
x tweet me @ annabelannabelz
x Instagram @ bellojelloz

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