Friday, November 30, 2012

Was taking pics for shopbellojelloz earlier today hehe quite tiring but it was alright :-)


The shoot was taken like ard 3+ in the afternoon so i was quite restless :(
Photos of me spam ahead, you were warned

Act one supermodel-just-woke-up look

Bare faced close up wtf was i thinking HAHA
Channelling my inner rebel LOL
& Of course, Sneaks hehehe:

yep i know mainly shorts heheh... I have too many shorts.
Actually i just placed everything I wanted to sell in bags, so this was just part of the first bag :p 
I think I have 3 or 4 bags? oh noooo.

Anyway I have this tab to my blogshop, i also will write when it was last updated.
(Convenient right hehe)

Alrighty thanks for reading hehe ciao x

Instagram @bellojelloz
tweet me @annabelannabelz
ask me a ques on formspring @annabelella

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