Was scrolling through insta and I saw @cheryl_sux's link to her post on her highest and lowest points of 2014. It really got me thinking (as many other things do hahaha), and so I thought it'd be good if I do a reflective post on 2014.
You see, I'm really not one to do new year resolution posts, the last-post-of-the-year or next-one-will- be-better kinda posts. I don't really believe in setting new year resolutions or looking back on my year. But I guess this year is a tad bit different, because I'm closing and starting a new chapter of my life. I feel that it'll be nice for me to just consolidate on how my year has been :-)
As with how Cheryl started off her post, I would also start off with the low points of 2014. So that I can end off 2014 on a high note, the same way I would like to start off 2015 :-)
Low points of 2014
The first low point of 2014 would definitely be my break up, hands down. Or maybe it would be more of getting over and recovering from my break up. If you've been following my blog long enough, you'd know that I had been in a 3 year long relationship. Everything was concluded and all by the end of 2013 but I guess I never really completely got over it until a few months on.
You see, I'm really not one to do new year resolution posts, the last-post-of-the-year or next-one-will- be-better kinda posts. I don't really believe in setting new year resolutions or looking back on my year. But I guess this year is a tad bit different, because I'm closing and starting a new chapter of my life. I feel that it'll be nice for me to just consolidate on how my year has been :-)
As with how Cheryl started off her post, I would also start off with the low points of 2014. So that I can end off 2014 on a high note, the same way I would like to start off 2015 :-)
Low points of 2014
The first low point of 2014 would definitely be my break up, hands down. Or maybe it would be more of getting over and recovering from my break up. If you've been following my blog long enough, you'd know that I had been in a 3 year long relationship. Everything was concluded and all by the end of 2013 but I guess I never really completely got over it until a few months on.
pic dated: 13th april 2014 |
So yeah. Trying to recuperate from a break up and having A levels that very year isn't exactly the best position anyone can be in hahaha. but hey, I got over it eventually under the love and care very kindly shown onto me by my friends and family (which i'm eternally grateful for).
The second low point of 2014 would be prepping for A levels.
I'm not exactly the most intelligent or hardworking person, which is the worse combination for someone doing A levels in about 8 months. Time and circumstances weren't in my favour, and even up till prelims my results were only satisfactory (to me). All the study sessions in the library/school/outside of school were all taxing and churning out extra essays (which I really hated to write, especially when I didn't feel like writing) was torturous. I'm so glad I managed to pull through and officially complete my A levels, it is really the worse exam anyone can take HAHAHA
High points of 2014
The first high point of 2014 for me is knowing Leon, without a doubt. :-)
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Matching roshe runs to zouk HAHAHAHA. randomly chose this pic, i like it hehe :-) |
Knowing, and not only the getting together part because I'm so glad to have known him. I really am. And I know that even if we didn't end up together, we would definitely be best friends HAHAH. but hey, he is my best friend AND boyfriend now so there's really nothing I can complain about hehe.
He is not only my other half, but also my equal half. I've met many people post breakup, many came and went, confessions said and heard. I never thought I'd ever get over my break up and fall in love again, as cliché as this may sound, it's true. He is really a gift to me, as much as our circumstances at that point in time were the worst, army and A levels hahaha. It's been quite a ride so far, but I enjoy everything with him. Yes that includes seeing him through NS right now;
listening to his army stories, learning the army lingo he & his friend use, knowing more about how his ops & outfield planning works, the equipment he dreads carrying etc. I don't know what the future holds for us, I really don't and no one knows. I really could go on forever...
but regardless, I thank God so much for him.
He is soon precious to me haha and I know he is definitely the biggest takeaway for me from 2014 :-)
The second high point of 2014 is getting closer to my friends.
I have an entire post dedicated to how grateful I am to my friends, how much I love them and appreciate them. I really am SO thankful for every single one of them (not all are in the pictures cuz I picked the pix randomly) but yes, wouldn't have gone through the year and everything without them being them for me. Of course, friendships don't end when the year ends so I'm glad I'll be bringing them over to 2015 with me (& hopefully many more years to come). :')
The third high point of 2014 would be graduating from JC.
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I know i alr posted this pic before but I think it's rlly apt & I rlly like it hehe |
Graduating from JC isn't simply just graduating, it also means I'm gonna enter uni soon (hopefully)! This means no more having to think about school reopening in 2015 HAHAHA okay but on a more serious note, I feel like I have to learn to be a young adult now. I have to learn to manage my finances and work life is also something i'm trying to get used to (cuz i'm broke af haha). I'm just glad to have closed yet another chapter of my life and finally transiting into (semi) adulthood :-)
so there,
here's to another 365 days ahead!!!!!
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