Sunday, August 24, 2014

bouts of doubt // I want out

Just woke up from a long ass nap awhile ago. 
I don't know how I can feel so chill, knowing the shitload of work I need to catch up on and the fact that prelims is in a week's time ha ha ha. 
I've been thinking a lot lately (as always). 
And, I don't know, this lack of having a "life" is starting to get to me haha. 
Like I don't know how to put it, I feel like my life is starting to dull. I don't have time to go to places, indulge in retail therapy, take pretty pictures, rewatch the movies i love.

"Do more of what makes you happy"

I guess I just haven't and don't have time to do the things I love anymore. 
This deprivation is starting to make me feel... I don't know actually am I even feeling anymore haha.
I'm such a mess.
& it doesn't help that I am experiencing this whole drought of positivity all over again.
I miss being able to pour out my thoughts to someone/thing. 
It feels like I can't do so now without having to worry about being judged or accidentally saying something wrong and triggering off a mess. 

bouts of doubt i really want out but then again am i ever sure of what i want

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