Thursday, April 10, 2014

#throwback: CNY Day onetwothree 2014

Hey all :-) so yup i decided that since i missed out quite a huge chunk of things that happened 
when I MIAed I'd do #throwback posts hehe 
#throwbaaccccccck bcos it'd be cool and JC life isn't all that interesting so...

my first #throwback post would be to CNY period! specifically day one, two and three :-)
I feel like I looked my worst or really bad during CNY period because I was going through a rough patch, think eye bags, dark eye circles, bad complexion etc. but I guess whatever, it's my blog I'd post me in good and bad states if I want to so yeah.
please be prepared for a lot of pics and OOTDs and random selfies HAHAHA 
i warned you

Day one

Every year during CNY I'd try to make an effort to wear a cheongsam on the first day. 
Or at least some what like a cheongsam haha. cuz I feel like that's the least I could do to stick to traditions! My family (both mum&dad's side) aren't too particular about the colours we wear for CNY so I guess I'm lucky in the sense that I'm not obliged to wear red or traditional clothes throughout :-)
but personally I think the cheongsam looks very pretty and there are a lot of modernised designs of it whilst still having the structure/elements of the original traditional cheongsam :-)

I am not bellojelloz if I don't OOTD my outfit HAHAH kidding

brother always takes selfies secretly when I ask him to help me take a pic lul



of me haha

My neighbour had really pretty decorations outside so MORE PICS 

The OOTD shots that never made it onto my insta, as usual haha

I love how my hair looks reddish/orangey cuz of the sun hehe

The cousin who is rlly tall and smart
Was quite early in the morning and we didn't have much to do so we just lazed around and  talk :)

Look how lethargic I look below :-( told you I was in a very bad state.
but yes, ah ma :') my only ah ma and I love her to bits.

gotta love my edit on this one 

Found a really old pic :')
 Spot me hahah (it's quite obvious heh) 

 Grandchildren pic!!!! really miss my grandfather :-(

After taking pictures and eating lunch (YUM), we drove down to one of my granduncle's place. 
Day one for me every year is pretty standard, always the same old relatives' houses :')

In da car with da younger cousin

who is really funny and chatty HAHA this boy couldn't stop his lego talk

He also has a mother aka my aunty who has a great sense of style???
just look at his outfit some people my age can't dress as well as he did hahaha
OOTD worthy hahahaha
Prepped from head 2 toe
He likes taking selfies too hehe which is super cute

Day one of visiting ended just like that :-) fruitful and short, as always.
Father brought the whole family to sentosa cove area just to walk around and chill, 
it's actually really nice over there! like some part that's detached from Singapore haha although there were really a lot of caucasians I felt a bit out of place (esp with the cry outfit lol) but overall it was really nice just walking around and looking at cafes and the sea :-)

Sun too bright = smaller eyes (not that they were big to begin with hahaha)

Day two

I was at my skinniest and most thin state (not necessarily a good thing) so I'm 100% sure those shadow thingies at my tummy isn't fat I think it's just the lighting or something :-(

I have this HORRID habit of bending one leg while taking my OOTD pics 

Do you see it HAHAHAH

These are the bout of selfies I thought I look HORRIBLE in but in retrospect...
 honestly not that bad la hahaha but well at that point in time I really hated how the pics turned out. 
It was so frustrating though cuz the lighting was so nice hahaha 

okay so like I said I lost A LOT of weight (unplanned of course haha) and so my skorts was super loose for me cuz i bought it quite some time back. Didn't have time to sew it there and then and also I really wanted to wear it with the blue top so...... yolo swag just wear and werk it hahahaha kidding I used safety pins and all which also explains the occasionally unsightly display of the shorts part of the skorts hahaha

"eh got wind got wind faster help me take OOTD" 

"eh here got the decorations got the CNY feel faster help me take OOTD"



by now my brother was getting very tired of my OOTD shit HAHAHA

"eh walao all like not nice leh..... okay last one got sun here help me take pls"

Guess which pic made it onto insta for OOTD pic day two???
i think my brother was this close to killing me

my special OOTD guest feature da fashionable cousin heh

Didn't do much that day!! just went to my my grandaunt's house to chill and eat and gamble hehe:-)

pic with the mother : ) we look alike meh??
Pic with the brother :-)
which turned out very nice i really like this shot :-)

Day three

day three was a sunday so we went to church in the morning since we didn't have any visiting planned out early in the morning :-)
I loooooove the top I wore for day three!!! there's something about the design that is special and the fit is also really nice 
If you noticed or didn't notice, I shamelessly rewore my skorts which I wore for day two HAHAHA

and as always, OOTD pics hehehe

annnnnnd the ones that made it onto my insta HAHAH

I was in such a MAJOR dilemma for this particular OOTD pic hahaha.
reason being all the pics turned out relatively well!! like in terms of lighting and colour 
so I asked quite a few people and they chose between these two
and yay Ruth who's a pro at filters gave me a hand at editing hehehehe tq :*

and.... yes I wouldn't do this normally but I posted BOTH the pics HAHAH can't help it

pics with the church girls of 96' :-)

After church I headed down to my mum's secondary school teacher's house for visiting!! 
amazing right after so many years almost every year we would go there for visiting and she'd catch up with her sec sch friends and all :-) didn't have pics for that though cuz we rlly didn't do much I think I was busy playing fun run or smth LOL

was gonna visit at Junheng's later in the night, like 10 pm late haha. 
but the thing was that my mum's visiting ended ard 7pm and I didn't wanna go home and travel out again so I decided to crash at Bryan's place for a bit since he was free and he knew how to get to Junheng's place (his dad sent us in the end HAHAH we damn lazy sigh)

look at him in his natural form, lazy and nua as hell HAHA

Okay as much as I loved the top i was wearing, the criss cross part kept opening up(?) and I held it with a small safety pin but it was still doing that opening thing >: so I borrowed a shirt from him to wear over just so I can move around comfortably without having to worry haha

This is his dog JJ, SUPER CUTE AND FLUFFY was fluffy though...
cuz it went for a hair cut recently hahaha STILL ADORBS *__*

After getting ready to leave....
but first let us take some selfies

 Had a really fun and rather exciting gabling sesh at Junheng's 
I LOST QUITE A BIT OF MONEY but it's k haha

The funny part was after, when we were leaving. we left quite late and we had to catch the last train,
had about 10 mins or so? WE RAN LIKE CRAZY HAHAH 
stupid thing was his condo back gate was locked for some reason so they climbed over, and 
I CLIMBED OVER TOO HAHAHA thank god i'm still in one piece
and we just ran all the way to the train station it was intense

LIKE LITERALLY just on time

survivor pic awyea 
so yup.... that pretty much summed up my first three days of CNY 2014 :')
if you read till here, thank you so much you're awesome

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