Sunday, April 20, 2014

Saturday, 12th april 2014

Went to watch Jaypy's hockey match! was at Sengkang haha. Haven't been there in ages..... spent almost 13 years of my life living there so ahhhhh memories heh :-)
I know nuts about Hockey so... hahahahah it was quite interesting i guess heh
best part was probably looking at the water thingies spray the field THAT WAS COOL MAN HAHA

Funniest thing ever was probably how I couldn't recognise which player was him until like 40 mins into the game oh dear HAHAH 
me watching from the stands damn warm :(:(
Sunday, 13th april 2014

ootd to church heh
Congratulations germaine on getting reaffirmed :-)
Selfie with the mother who i think is ageing rlly gracefully :')

bought new sandals!!!!! they are my absolute favourite (I have the brown version also HAHA help)

did something loooong overdue, for myself.
Thank you for the kind and thoughtful comments and wishes on insta, i'm so blessed and grateful :')
can't believe I accidentally deleted my long ass caption though did anyone ss it pls send me ::::(

Monday, 14th April 2014

meet my friends. sensual moment HAHAH


Really need to start drinking more water so heh bought a bottle of mineral water for myself so I won't have an excuse not to drink upppppppp

Morning-before-sch-starts selfie heh

date unknown: random day I think one day before nationals? 
decided to give sch a miss or more accurately I couldn't get out of bed in time for sch
managed to repay a bit of my sleep debt and hey, enjoy the beautiful view of sundays shining into the room when I wake up :')

that's alllllll till the next time x

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