Time check: 2:49am
Decided to watch Stuck in Love on a Saturday night. I got to know about this movie after reading Irinatyt's blog a while back! (i love love love her blog btw haha)
Torrented the movie and heard quite a lot of good reviews about it but never got down to watching it.
This is her actual blog post about it.
I'll take parts from there I feel is relevant and italicise it because I really like the way she words her thoughts :')
...I fell in love like 45 times but I bawled my eyes out too. This movie came to me at the most perfect timing. I really needed something to give me a little clarity in this mess that I am in, from someone else's perspective. I am so glad I found Stuck In Love.
The movie showcases many relatable feelings and addresses the common human-struggle issues such as loss, betrayal, vulnerability, first love, heartbreak, commitment, trust issues, promises, and of course second chances.
This hit me pretty hard. Constant state of denial. It's true, isn't it? That some people choose to avoid problems. They think, if they don't acknowledge it, then just maybe.... just maybe the problem is not even there at all. Some people choose to run. And that's pretty unfair for people who chase.
I think I've entered this state of being cynical. I don't know, I never thought I'll end up being in this state. I mean it isn't a bad thing, but just that you know I've always been the sort of hopeless romantic (on the inside, at least) but right now it just isn't the same anymore.
It's interesting being in this state though, it really is.
"She was hoping to find some piece of you in it"
That. That. ....I absolutely love this part of the movie, for getting what I've been trying to say out in such a simple sentence. It got me thinking how true it is that we look for people in the things that they love. We always try to find out the favourite things of the people we care about, and just maybe we could gather something personal about them we don't know of. Songs, movies, books, anything they love. Why does he/she fancy this? Is there something he felt connected to from there? What about it? etc.
Ever since my break up, I've in this perpetual state of mess. I mean I don't feel hurt or anything anymore, and this state of mess isn't literal. I would say it's some what an emotional mess?
It's definitely a lot better now, I guess I just never got down to really to ironing out my thoughts.
You know that feeling you feel, when someone you trust and love promises to never be the one to pull the trigger and hurt you... but they end up being the one that hurts you the deepest?
yeah that feeling.
when I watched this show that scene was one of the scenes that got to me because the memory of me trusting someone to not hurt me is still so fresh and vivid.
Apparently, Stuck In Love taught me that it's okay to give second chances. We have to be brave when it comes to heart affairs. We have to put our heart on the line. Humans wander, and humans get lost once in a while but we'll always find our way back and when we do, that's what second chances are for. Is that true?
not many movies or things get to me and tug at my heart strings so.. :')