Hey everibadiiiiiiiii!
How's everyone reading this? haha. Anyway, I've not been blogging cause i freaking lost my macbook pro charger wtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtf.
If you're feeling rich or have extra give me one thanks in advance lol.
So i had prom like on the 21st of Nov! it was such a blast i'm gonna miss the batch of '12 so much....
I decided to do up this mini post on prom dresses. Cause like personally, it was so troublesome to go through all my senior's prom albums to decide on what type of dress i should wear.
So i thought it'll help people going for prom next year! Like easier right haha few designs on one post (no need to stalk seniors on fb already).
I didnt take pics of ALOT of outifts, just a few that i thought was pretty unique/nice/whatever!
It's not easy to go up to people you barely, rarely know and ask them to let you take a pic of their outfits okayyyyyyy.
All these are purely my opinions, i'm not a fashion adviser.
BIG thank you to the girls who allowed me to take pics of your dresses :-)
Outfit #1:
Puffy dresses
This type of dresses are super fairytale-ish! I think it'll suit most people that want more emphasis just above their hips. The puffy part is usually layered down so you dont look like you're going to perform :-)
I think these type of dresses usually have sequin at the top part cause sequins go really nice with the netted bottom. :-)
Goes well with: A necklace! so the top part won't look too plain/bare.
Pros: Classy looking, with a tinge of princessy feel!
Cons: Not really sure abt the maintenance and the washing. Not a viable option for those who have wardrobe constraints. Also, usually the nicer kind of these dresses are pretty pricey!
Siokhwee! |
Outfit #2:
Lace x low back
This girl was actually sitting near my table!
I thought her dress looked really pretty on her. It was a simple burgundy maroon colour, which was laced up at the top.
The back part was the nicest part! It was just a simple U shaped low back.
The lace at the back part is slightly translucent, it's a simple detail which rlly complimented the entire dress in my opinion :-)
Pros: Simple yet elegant piece! lace and cotton, which means washing will be rather easy. You can also wear it over and over again cause you dont have to clean dry! Suits most occasions well :-)
Cons: pretty low back so it may make some people feel a tat bit uncomfortable! Choice of right bras may also be a hassle :(
Sexy back ;) |
Outfit #3:
Opacity dresses
I honestly don't how to describe this kind of dresses so opacity dresses (cause opacity of the dress is played ard with right) it is! :p
This is actually a dress i picked out from a webstore for my friend to wear.
She is actually pretty tall and well she preferred a long dress. She wanted something unique but simple (she is quite low key).
I thought this dress was really unique because like its opaque till slightly above the knees and translucent all the way down! how cool.
It's also really comfy as there is a cotton inner lining (i think!).
The back part is a semi halter sort of thing! So it doesnt have much emphasis on anywhere particular (eg. chest/waist). Hence giving a slight illusion of a pretty figure hehe.
The translucent chiffon parts are in black therefore it looks as if your legs are like flawless!
Pros: Comfort level overload, versatile. Simple yet apt for the occasion.
Cons: looks generally better on tall people!
She got this from iscrewedyourboyfriend.com
This dress cost ard 30$.
Outfit #4:
Halter dresses
I only spotted Pearlyn wearing a pure halter dress that night for prom!
Such a creative and bold idea. :-) Alot of people often shy away from halter dresses as they think it might put too much emphasis on their chest area.
However, Halter dresses actually compliment your collarbone area! which takes away the attention on your chest area.
With a sweet heart neckline, it'll also eccentuate your chest area :-)
Pros: super fun to wear, unique and an uncommon choice at prom!
Cons: Must find ones that fit well and not too loose. Materiaal wise also extremely crucial, cause you dont want to look like your wearing a sundress to prom!
She got this from zalora.com
This dress cost ard 100$++.
Outfit #5:
I've always admired girls that dont wear the conventional dress/skirt to prom (cause i know i can never pull it off :(((().
haha anyway, Heyse dressed up in this attire that night, SHE LOOKED RLLY HOT!
This was a creative and smart move! why? CONFIRM NO DRESS CLASH AND ALL :))))
Plus i think she must've felt really comfy the entire night!
Pros: Apt for the occasion. Classy, yet looking absolutely gorgeous.
Cons: Some people may feel that it's safer to go with a dress or skirt! Finding a nice and suitable blazer is also sometimes quite tough :(
Outfit #6:
Half sleeved bodycon dresses
Bodycon dresses are always stunning and never fail to compliment one's body. But what if you just feel that your arms are sightly or whatsoever?
Sleeved bodycon dresses can actually be more flattering than sleeveless ones believe it or not!
Especially when the dresses have nice necklines :-)
Of course if you want your dress to look extra special the back details can vary from U shaped, deep V shape, O shaped etc.
Material of the dress can also be played ard with, sequins/shimmery cloth/lace/cotton/studs/cutouts etc etc.
Pros: SUPER versatile! extremely comfy. Flattering as well :)
Cons: Sometimes its rlly difficult to fina a unique design for these kind of dresses, because most of the time they are meant more for casual wear :(
Outfit #7:
Printed dresses
Dresses with prints are barely seen because many choose to be on the safe side and play ard with the materials of their dresses instead.
However, when you actually come across a really nice and elegant print, it'll rlly be something special and nice :-)
Pros: Unique and special! 99.9% of no outfit clash.
Cons: Non-neutral coloured prints may cross over to be too casual. Material of the dress also matters a lot, because if the prints are nice but the material isn't, it may not bring out the print nicely.
People on the plum side should also stay away on prints that emphasis on their body shape a lot.
Outfit #7:
Sweetheart babydoll dresses
These dresses are usually the most popular choice in terms of dress type.
However, what makes a dress is it's material. When you put a cotton dress and a sequin chiffon dress side by side, the difference is obvious.
Therefoore if you're opting for a safe dress, try to experiment with different materials so as to give you a more sophisticated and not ultra plain look :-)
Just like the one below hehe
Pros: Available rather widely so variety is there!
Cons: will be rather common, have to accessorise a little.
Outfit #8:
Lace sleeved toga dress
Sleeved toga dresses are getting more popular. Imagine if the sleeves are made from lace, that'll change the look of the dress completely!
Toga dreses are in itself complimenting and classy. So adding lace into such a nice type of dress just makes things better :-)
Pros: Elegant and flattering. comfortable to wear :)
Cons: Slightly harder to look for and variety is rather low.
Outfit #9:
Colour block dresses
Colour blocking is actually in itself a very nice thing to use as part of the main detail of a dress.
Colour blocking a dress with coloured sequins is just F A B!
Nowadays, sequins are more commonly used in formal dresses, and playing ard with the different colours of sequins just makes a dress look more fun :-)
Pros: Definitely eye catching! Pretty details of sequins.
Cons: Variety is rather low. Colour matching must not be weird colours placed together (preferably shades that'll compliment each other).
Outfit #10:
Maxi dress with back details
Maxi dresses are always one of the popular choices for prom dresses as well.
Back details will definitely make a dress unique in itself. :-)
Intricate zips and placing of straps often play a huge role in allowing a dress to achieve a sophiscated and classy look.
Pros: Easy to move ard in, pretty classic piece to keep!
Cons: rather difficult to find a dress that detail in design for the back. Certain desgins may be too simple and cause the dress to look too casual.
Outfit #11:
Sequin toga bodycon dresses
Sometimes simple is the most beautiful.
When a toga body con dress made of a nice material like sequin fits nicely, theres no other complicated dresses that can replace it!
Toga dresses places emphasis on the collarbone, chest and waist area. They are also often classic and timeless pieces that'll you will never fall out of love with!
Pros: simple yet completely apt and classy.
Cons: Its hard to find these kind of dresses that offer a great fit and a nice material at the sam time! :(
She got this from a boutique at Haji Lane.
This dress cost ard $140+.
I hope this post was informative and pleasant to read. :-)
Few tips:
-I personally prefer buying my prom dress like alone or with a family member but not with friends. Cause it's only normal that you dont want your friend to like the same dress as you, how awkward!
-Dont rely purely on what your friends think.
You're the one wearing the dress, not them ;-)
-Start to keep a lookout for dresses the moment you know when's your prom.
It sucks to anyhow buy a dress last min just cause you didnt have time.
-Remember to wear the right undergarments, you dont want to be remember for your unsightly bra buckles or straps.
-try not to buy online if you're unsure of the sizing!
because its better to try it physically and feel the material, you dont wanna end up paying double the price.
omg its 3:49am. i'm so tired right now.
hope you enjoyed this post. x
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