Hai i'm back again haha. so my birthday's coming and like usually i dont really have anything in mind, but this year i have! :) omg hehehe, not that i'm gonna get any of them granted la (as much as i wish they'd be) but i just thought listing them is fun :) so there. Not in any order of preference.

The OLYMPUS EPL2! haha its damn pretty okay omg hehehehe. It has ALOT of art filters which i love! watch a review by DigitalRev yesterday on youtube. I saw the EPL1 that Liping has and i just fell in love with the shutter feel, the body and design of the camera. Its really light and has a nice grip. I think its a semi SLR if i'm not wrong..... the thing is, i'm not a pro or anything so i dont actually need a dslr ( I WOULD LUV TO THOUGH HEHEHE), this is sucha sweet cam man

The Holga 135bc. This toy camera's effects are pretty impressive! haha i'm actually planning to get it for myself :) ($$$$$ flys away). with the fisheye lens + multicolour flash who can resist it? haha.
Canon 1100d in red and brown. OMG the colour of the body is dope shit man! :D haha according to DigitalRev's review on youtube, it isn't really that pro a dslr, but a good one for a beginner. I just really, really i mean REALLYSRSLY love the colours! its super unique okay! dopedopedope.
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