Hai everybodeh! haha. k i'm suppose to like erm do my ocip reflection now, its seriously overdued. Crap. haha. k so anyway, in an attempt to keep my blog alive, i shall try to do a personal vlog soon hehehe.
So I personally love to blog hop, like go and check out other people's blogs. Its really interesting and kills my boredom man haha thats the best part. Thought there would be other people just like me that are avid blog readers, so let me share a few links with you that, to me are interesting reads.
Disclaimer: I do not know all of the blog owners, i just read their blog. If you find them boring thats too bad for you. Chillax on da hate yeah.
k so yeap :) i really love their blogs! haha. I remembered all their links by heart already :)
These are the frequent ones that i view. I put them on the blogfire app. haha, so like whenever they update, the app will notify me. Some of the bloggers above dont know i exist, or maybe they never will. But i enjoy reading their blogs a lot :) haha. k shall stop being naggggggggy.
Ciaos cya'all soonish byeeeeeee.
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