I've been like blogging aimlessly and carefreely. haha. I admit sometimes i blog cause i'm super happy when i know people read my blog. i mean there's bound to be a sense of satisfaction ;)
But I'm just a normal teenage girl, with her own set of problems here and there. Believe me, most people that seem to have "perfect" lives may very well be the ones that are, well you know what i mean haha.
k i dont wanna sound like those kind of emo blogs and all but yeah. I guess i figured afterall, a blog is not all about advertorials etc. Its suppose to be an online diary, a platform for people to express their thoughts, tell others how they feel. or simply a place where people can vent.
I guess one of the reasons why I hardly blog about my personal stuff is cause' my parents dont really like me to share my stuff with my friends. Like share about family stuff.
The thing is, they dont know about my blog (& i like it this way). haha probably thats why i love my blog so much more. Cause' i get the privacy i want. Not that i dont have any now :)
I love my parents and whatever they do for me, although i might say otherwise some times on twitter and al l but i really luv em'.
Was in the car w my mum yesterday and she told me about my grand ma and stuff...... it was really quite a sad ride for me cause, i guess all that she told me was a little too heavy to absorb.
I felt kinda guilty too cause i hardly visit my grandma (she's still very dear to me) and like it hurts me when my mum tells me about her physical and emotional conditions.

Sometimes i wish i can just tell my loved ones that i love them, and i can keep them forever. Of course that's just childish thinking, but when you're desperate, thoughts like these just come to your mind. I just wish people didnt have to come and go.
On a seperate note, there's this problem with the right side of my face recently. It's like it happens really frequently. The right side of my face went all reddish and swell up, that's kinda scary but yeah. and like when i rub my right eye, sometimes there would be large secretions of saliva from the right side of my mouth (on the inside).
I told my mum and she said that happened to my grandma before she had a stroke.
I dont think anything will happen to me luh haha, but still hearing that is kinda freaky haha.
Anyway, shall blog about other stuff. Happybel96 ;) haha. bye for now.
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