Sunday, September 28, 2014

(post) prelims

this is not gonna be in any particular order so yes!!!

SO, if you follow me on twitter you would've known that Leon surprised me on the second last day of my exams :') basically I had been eating uni sushi EVERYDAY after my papers, and yeah he decided to book a place at a jap buffet restaurant!!! felt EXTREMELY lucky and loved :')

On the day I went to meet him.. I think it was the saturday after my prelims? 
We met in the late afternoon cuz he was having lunch with 2 of his close friends who were leaving for UK for uni (super jelz T.T). So yes, didn't suspect anything?? went to paya lebar mrt and all. Saw him waiting for me at one of the benches, holding this paper bag. 

I just thought to myself like, "wait whats that ah HAHAH"

TURNS OUT he got me a pair of black Havaianas!!!! To be exact he got US matching Havaianas.
OMG I WAS SO SURPRISED AND SHOCKED because I didn't expect it at all. I mean we talked abut going to get them after my prelims but I really didn't think he'll surprise me with them?!?!?! I was even planning to ask him when he was free so we could get them together.

Ps. Can't fucking believe Slutlini got a pair as well though, THE SAME ONE MOTHERFUCKER HAHAHA I'm damn suay srsly. 
but fuck it, like what they say "same same, BUT DIFFERENT"

Pps. She started with her downgrade tweet nonsense again.
(I'm damn annoyed because dude, like did I ever tweet about her making a downgrade or whatfuckingever?? NO i didn't. & so, I dont understand why the FUCK must she say shit like that??? if she feels that she can sprout shit like that because she's entitled to her own opinion then two can play this game :-))
Anyway, it better not be what I think it's about, because if it is, she's delusional as fuck. Why??? cuz LITERALLY everyone else thinks otherwise (eg. refer to fig 1), so MAYBE SHE CAN GO AND FUCK HERSELF hahahah 

Fig 1
ok not gonna spoil the vibe of ma blogpost no further!!! IRRELEVANT BITCH BYEEEE


messy hair dont rlly care hehehehe
Emily ended her papers a few days later because H2 math HAHAHA but yeah so I met up with her and stelz for dinz after she ended :-) We bought this groupon for $18.80? 
The kbbq place is like along this stretch at Tanjong Pagar road. quite sloppy but okay, for dinner the price is pretty decent I would say.. anyway the company mattered so yay :-)

First ever OOTD taken by Leon HAHA quite impressed I gotta say heheh ;)

Mama fung gave this to me. I don't even wear perfumes 
but IT'S SO PRETTY!!!! *__*

ReversO & Nutella icecream *__* SO GOOD


Saw stelz's post on insta and her location showed that she was lunching at a cafe in HV, 
AND WE WERE just about to head down HAHAH 
so i dropped by for like 2 mins to get a picture with them :-D

After that we went to La Nonna 1 for 1 Lunch!! 
Seafood Linguine for me & Lasagne for him. It was so good and worth it. 
Quite funny because the waiter was doubting his ability to finish the entire lasagne 

Didn't wanna dirty my blouse HAHA :'D


To be continued....... HEHEH soon soon :-)

till then x

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