Sunday, May 12, 2013

hanging by a thread

Hello everyone! 
Saw this tweet that I can totally relate to:
Hovering back and forth between "I AM FUCKING EXHAUSTED" and "I CAN DO THIS PRESS ON" 
It's not because i'm from an elite school, or i'm lazy (ok abit maybe)...
The amount and depth of content is just 

Don't judge me... Everyday I have this inclination to give school a miss.
Especially days like tmrw, where the school thinks you have been mugging consistently and decides to give you an econs lecture test.
Not everyone get things at their first try.
Not everyone get the key concepts at lectures.

Maybe it's just me. I'm not made out for this system.
but then again
Maybe it's just me
I don't try hard enough, don't have enough determination.

It's hard when you have to push the limits everyfuckingday.
No one said it was gonna be this tough.

gtg do lit now 

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