Sunday, February 3, 2013



SO i've started school, and like my OG is MR02 :-):-)
they are truly a bunch of fun peeps and i'm rlly glad i met everyone of them!

Why MR02?

Cause MR is a house in RJ called Morrison Richardson.

there are 5 houses btw, 
Bayley Waddle (yellow)
Morrison Richardson (blue)
Hadley Hullet (purple)
Moor Tarbet (red)
Buckle Buckley (green)

Each house has about 12 grps! (the population quite huge right)

So that was orientation day one, nothing much! 

We are learning our batch dance btw, its so complex but its oh so nice.


Right now i'm just feeling like a .....
yep, cat in a sock
 Currently skyping with the funny man:

Goodnight x

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