Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hey all!

School has been so busy but fun haha glad i have the weekends to rest.

watched Musicfest yesterday! all the houses were so good, of course MR's the best to me :')
They did three different renditions of Titanium, tough but it was rlly nice heh.

I can't wait for Dancefest and drama fest!!

Currently enjoying all my lectures cause I honestly love all the subjs i take haha.
I didn't take history in sec sch but it's really damn interesting, especially SEA hist. 
I'm weird hahaha

Sucks to have to take H1CL though..

Btw No Shoes day is coming up!!!
it is to raise awareness for the kids in africa that have no shoes.
So like we get to bare our soles and put our best foot forward, 
& put our selves in their shoes hehehe.

Can't wait to see the whole school walking ard w/o shoes and stuff 

Overly excited face
I dont know why but i slimmed down alot recently. like my face especially.
Look I have a thigh gap now haha

My dad was like telling me to not go on a diet, but i'm really not on a diet lol
I need to eat more urgh

till then x

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