Friday, December 9, 2011

Someone like you

Hi guys! So I just came back from youth conference yesterday and sent Shawn off at the airport at 1 am :-( sigh I miss him alr.
Today marks the 7th month of our friendship!!!!! Yay
Well he'll be arriving Toronto at around 3am later...... Can't wait for him to get wifi again!
Youth conference was super refreshing and awesome as usual, the Koreans are super cute. Managed to write them thank you cards in Korean all thanks to Michelle for helping me translate omg thank you Michelle. :-)
before sending Shawn off I went over to his place! And his mum was like clearing her makeup and sincere and she passed me lotsa stuff :-)
1. VS moisturizer
2. Clinique moisture surge.
3. Mini Clinique anti-blemish solution.
4. Clinique exclusive lipgloss set
&&&& lotsa other stuff......
She's so nice :')
I miss all of them alr, hopefully he'll have wifi soooooon

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