Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Blame it on the rain

Hey all! Someone asked me to update my blog on fs, really made my day cause I think no one actually reads this space anymore but okay yay ;)
So there's nothing interesting that happened this week....
Shawn's in like Florida now, :-( but he whatsapped me to tell me he got me a pair of vans and a top yay hehehe.
I went shopping with my aunt yesterday, got a dress and knitted purple top, a pair of suede platforms and a bag and wallet. Mad love all of em'.
Been blog hopping and stuff to kill time. I'll be leaving for Taiwan on Sunday morning at 2am! Anyone wants anything? Ahahahaha.
Oh btw, follow me on twitter (@annabelannabelz) alrighty :*

ps. I've been thinking of doing a giveaway for Christmas, since it's the season of giving right haha. What do you all think? :-)
pss. I love my readers, you guys are awesome.

Have a great day! Holidays are ending :-(


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