Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cause' even the sweetest chocolates expire

the perfect foolscap for math ;)


Tissues are a necessity when you haave a nose like mine :(

k i'm blogging again...... meh haha. just finished skyping with Shawn (my bestfriend), gotta continue work ;(
Omg i just read the newpaper, fyi: I LOVE THE NEWPAPER! its freaking juicy news and all, but it appeals to me hehehe.

anyway, yeah about the wikileaks thingy:
1. There were claims that Mr Lee Kuan Yew said muslim was a venomous religion, this is false okay! there was no such thing in the file notes thingy, haha reported by newpaper.
I absolutely, and definitely respect Mr LKY a lot! like srsly, :) not a fan of PAP though.
2. Wikileaks cables said that an indian minister sent EMPTY private jet to retrieve her preferred brand of slippers. OKAY I JUST WENT LIKE WTFRUSRS?! i mean like, some parts of India they are so undeveloped and poor.... the money used to send her freaking plane to freaking fetch heer freaking slippers/sandals can feed so many hungry people. Urgh its just frustrating to know these things happen, damn.

Alright now, my throat and nose is srsly getting to meh ;( gonna drink water. I hate water hahaha.
Sheesh the weather is being sucha........
ok i think of the kids in Cambodia and i just stop complaining.
i miss cambodia. :(

bye for now!

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