Hi everyone! first, I just wanna thank everyone, yes all 47 of you who liked the 'like' button on my blog! :) It means so much to me, really haha. thanks a mil ;)
So today's another day of mugging all over again. ahhhh, life of a singaporean student.
Yesterday was really exciting though hahaha, my dad allowed me to watch a movie! like its kinda rare i guess? especially when the EOYs are really near.......
thank you daddy. :)
So i went to watch CRAZYSTUPIDLOVE with
Awesome show!
Alright yeap, it was really funny! :) like really crazy and stupid. I dont know if it'll appeal to everyone cause i'm easily humoured by things :p but overall its really quite a nice show.
After that, we managed to watch Final destination 5, which is M18 HAHAHA
k i was contemplating if i should elaborate on our adventure of how we got to watch the show.......
but on second thought i guess i better not, later i end up on stomp or what haha
so yeah. but we paid 6$ for two movies haha our first ever m18 show in a cinema.
the downside is that, we're both ill ;( YES BOTH OF US, how tragic.
but yesterday was a really good break, like from all the studying and all. Really felt like a holiday for once in the week. :)
bye for nowwwwwwww