Friday, November 12, 2010

Why you so like that.

Yay i had retail therapy yesterday (Y). Felt really happy, my face was literally glowing. I'm a happy person, little things like this can make me feel contented hahaha ( although i dont deny that i wanna moreee clothessss.) hehe.
hmmm, what do you do when your parents "talk in private" ( aka. quarrel)?
i just pretend like nothings' happening but honestly, i feel like shitting in my pants.
its quite nerve wrecking, like being in a mine field. you dont know what to do, where to go, which moves to make. ah, in my own house somemore, whatabigfatfcuking joke sia. *laughs at myself*
people tell me, hey whats wrong, is everything okay, tell me what happened.
obviously everything's not okay. they phrase it with four words, 'tell me what happened'. but seriously, certain things just cant be explained and sometimes i think they say that cause:
1. they dont know what else to say.
2. its cliche.
i mean i'm not saying they dont comfort me or neither am i trying to offend anyone. its just what i think. of course i appreciate people who bother to ask me like, whats up.
but well.
life's shit man.
sometimes i wish my parents will just gimme a break. like a break from their nonsense. hahaha
what the pongz.
i'm flying on sunday to perth@ 9am! so if you wanna send me a bon voyage text do it hehehehe.
i'll be back on the nineteeth of november xoxo.

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