Thursday, February 20, 2014

since you've been gone

Hi everyone!!!! (anyone who happen to read this haha)
I've been on quite a hiatus, haven't I?

Had the feel to post these 2 selfies (which I just took haha) because:

1. I look healthier
2. I look happy
3. Gave me a glimpse/reminded me
 of what I was like a while back 


I may still hurt, I may still falter. 
That's because I'm only human, I have feelings, I can feel.
I'm still lost, confused and trying to take everything one step at a time. 

Even if I look like I'm fine, trust me when I say that
I still struggle. every moment
but hey, here I am 
doing what i'm known for 
(or at least what most people say)
smiling :-)

This has been my home screen for the longest time now,
it's nothing fancy (it's laid out exactly like that), just with the quote:



 till the next time xx

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