Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Racial harmonehhhhhhh

twin ;)

Shermaineee :)

It's been super long since I last updated! But here I am again :)
So racial harmony celebrations were pretty okay~ not many people wore traditional costumes though.
I wore a Malay costume! Borrowed from Zalifah.
1. The funny thing was that, I borrowed the wrong top and it was freaking small and super tight! Omg haha.
2. I totally didn't bring like uniform to change out of my costume, so I wore it for the whole day. Omg it was hell.
Sec 1/7 like almost the whole class wore traditional costume! :) super cool and nice ah. :)

Mass eating.
This year for mass eating we had chee kuey and dumplings. It wasn't that terrible but not fantastic either.
Haha hope the Malays and Tamils enjoyed the food :)

This was trending in Singapore on twitter for awhile. I was like srsly super pissed, who the hell would be so brilliant to trend sucha stupid thing srsly haha. But I guess it was partially trending cause people wanted it to stop trending, which is pretty heart warming to know hahaha.
K I'll be mass updating, cyaaaaa

Ps. Do fs me about my new slideshow thingy at the top ;)


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