Shawn's mum invited me out for a family outing to celebrate Pharrell's birthday :) (he's little cousin)
We went kite flying at ard sengkang area! Haha it's not my first time flying a kite but well it was still awesome.
I got to wear the purple acs singlet, I love purple max hahaha. Anyway wore it cause I didn't bring an extra shirt so yeah :) so we went to seven eleven and chose kites. Shannon (shawn's sis) chose this mega kite that was taller than her! It's damn huge hahaha but super pretty also :)
Flying the kites were really exhausting but fun man hahaha, like run ard and all. I bet I lost weight ah :D
The field was damn huge! And we got to see different cool/weird/long/small/funny kites. :)
Going kiteflying is like one of the most affordable and fun things you can do during an outing!
If you're planning to go this are the things you shld consider:
Picnic mat/plastic mat.

Usually the most popular kiteflying spots are like marina barrage, parks etc. So it's gonna be in a big field, and bringing a mat will be super convenient cause you'll be damn tired and you can just lie on the mat and enjoy the view :) we didn't have a mat so we just lied down on the grass and it was so itchy! In the end we just lay down on our super huge kite :)
Kites and strings.

This is obviously impt! What's kiteflying without a kite HAHAHA. You can get a kite from seveneleven it costs about 8$-25$? Depends on the size you want I guess :)
And for the strings you can get it from like fishing shops? The thin nylon kind :) or from certain sevenelevens also can I think.

Make sure you go kiteflying with a group of friends or smth cause it'll be not as fun if you do it all alone! Like you guys can laugh when you're trying to get the kite off and flying etc. It'll also be easier to take pictures which is obviously good :D
Last but not least friendliness is damn impt! Haha especially if you're flying the kite for the first time, if you're friendly you can get people to help you easily :) and if you accidentally clash into someone else's kite friendliness shld get you away hehehe.

Hopefully you all will try kite flying sometime! Haha. I wanna go sometime again hehehe ♡