Hi gaizzzzz. Haha. I've missed about like 4 days of school in total? Like 3 days of gyf & a day cause I fell ill :(
I missed out a lot man. Okay to me uh. I'm kinda dumb, like my grades aren't fantastic at all! Haha. I'm really lousy :( ahhh. So like, I'm super overwhelmed with the things I have to catch up on. Like seriously, I'm crumbling under pressure. And tests are like coming up....

Next week?
Ah. Sometimes I just feel like I'm the dumbest kid in the whole of Sgpore.
Always falling behind others, even though I keep trying. Man, I don't even know if I'll make it till Os man.
Honestly haha.
Don't say that I shouldn't be blogging and studying instead blahblahblah.
1. You're not my parents! Haha.
2. Blogging is my way of destressing, like how guys play soccer girls shop.
How I wish I can really do what I love, instead of struggling to keep up with this killer system. Haha.
This is life as it is, isn't it kekeke.

Oh ya, recently there were some Korean kids that came over to my school for an exchange project.
Omg they are mega pretty! Hahaha.
Anyway, they came down to the range and tried out shooting. When they hit the centre, omg they're reaction is like priceless :p
K la shall stop here.
Bye everibadehhhhhh!