Monday, January 10, 2011

Accelerate to the top.

Hello! i'm back to update since tmrw's a school holiday :) Thank you to those who formspring me, i really appreciate it. So someone requested that i write about my school's sec one orientation. My school has like a really dynamic and jam-packed orientation prog. It is like over, a week? yeah. When i was sec one i really enjoyed the orientation prog cause it was really fun and stuff :D so anyway, one of the main highlights i remembered was the Orientation night which is on the last day of the orientation week.
In sec two, i performed as a Nerd in the Sport Captains' fashion parade. It was like super nerve wrecking for me. But after that i had the, "Lets do it again!" kind of feeling hahahaha.
This year i performed as a Toot. okay, also similar to a Nerd.
Man, i think i'm sucha natural nerd man. haha like seriously! k lol at myself.
So the items we prepared were performed better than we had expected. But we seemed more high than the sec ones man! they are so not on the hyper side haha.
Overall the night was, Fun, Wild and Uniquely Temasek ;)

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