Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Shooting Camp!

Shooting camp 2010 was not bad uh. I love the aircon in the range man! Except that no signal inside roar. Anyway, the farewell BBQ was great, i did most of the BBQ-ing, cause the cooking looks way more fun than eating hahaha. :p I ate after the nightwalk, a little only la :)
So we had mass games and all. I had to do a double forfeit with Leonard!
guess what.
I had to seat on him while he did push ups! like wtcowz :D
So after all that, NIGHTWALK! hahaha i paired with Pearlyn. She was scared much. I was also lah :p hehehe. screamed with her till the end heh. The sec one shooters taught me how to play DOTA ! HAHAHA SO FUNNY LA. Then the next morning we broke camp at 8am! yay.
I decided to like, go Lan for the first time with them. So, we went in the Crossfire place.
then i remembered i didnt have my ezlink card with me hahaha joke man.
It was like dark inside! real dark. haha.
anyway, went lunch with Benedict Au.
The end :D

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